How do we keep our home clean?
We keep our home clean with a ritual, as explained below:
9:30am - 11:30am is cleaning hour
Ideal check-in windows
SLOT A. 9:00am - 9:30am
SLOT B. after 11:30am
During (indoor) cleaning hour, both sides of our garden (outdoors) are occupied with dogs. So ideally, check-in to be carried out during the A and B windows for a smooth process.
Just like our rest days, our cleaning ritual is paramount to us too. We value your understanding and respect.
Can I walk in without an appointment?
No, you may not.
We do not entertain all forms of physical walk-in (inquiry, booking, look-see...). Every appointment is pre-planned and agreed upon via WhatsApp. Feel free to text us on whatsapp at 01133118945 to secure a slot.
This is to ensure the serenity of our home, so that we are not surprised with a abrupt visit which can cause stress. We are highly protective of the serenity house, and the piece of mind for each and every furkid at home.
Timetable at PamperPup:
Weekdays work days at PamperPup
9am - 1130am
Cleaning Ritual
Playtime session 1 and 2
Check in slot A: 9:00am - 9:30am
Check in slot B: 11:30am - 4:00pm
930am - 11:30am cannot open gates
1130am - 1pm
Private Feeding aka Kanteen Time
1pm - 2pm
Human Lunch Time
3pm - 5pm shower time
Applies to work day week days
More play time sessions
430pm - 6pm
Check out appointments
More play time sessions
Feeding time 2
Video Recording
5:00pm - 6:00pm
We close at 6:00pm
Usually carried out on day #02 or #03.
As we need time to focus on your furkid without the distraction of a phone camera, getting him/her settled into a new environment.
We also need time to figure which classmates suits your furkid most as we curate the classroom for your furkid.
Furkids grouped accordingly to classrooms of like personality, size, play style.
Unspayed Female and Uneutered Males have dedicated classrooms with suitable playmates to avoid pregnancy.
Classrooms receive outdoor sessions on rotation interchangeably.
During hot weather/rain and storms, furkids stay indoors in their classrooms for safety and comfort reasons.
What is the fee structure incurred for a day care/boarding and services pertaining to them?
Our rate and fee structure is CLEARLY stated within this site at:
It is the customers' due diligence to check service provider's site for information that is of a particular concern/passionate about. Our rate and fee detail is for the public eyes. They may be a lot of things but 'hidden'.
What to Expect When You Pick Your Dog Up After Boarding?
While you may be pleased to pick up your dog and take it home after its first stay in a boarding place, this may not be a smooth ride, especially if this is the first time you've boarded your pet. Not all dogs react the same way when you take them home after boarding; some will display behavioral changes that may surprise or worry you. What kinds of behavior can you expect from your pet?
Personality Changes
While some dogs come home from boarding and settle down as if they've never been away, others may take some time to settle. You may find that your dog's behavior changes when you get it home. For example, it may get really clingy and follow you around everywhere. Alternatively, it may ignore you and be slightly aloof. Some dogs act up a little and behave badly when they first come home even though they are usually well-behaved.
Typically, you'll find that your dog will get back to normal once it is used to being back at home. Once your dog realizes that it is back in its normal routine and is with you once again, it should start to behave normally. It's a good idea to give your pet a lot of love and attention when you get it home; however, you should also make sure to re-establish your usual routine and rules to get your dog back in line as quickly as possible.
Changes in Appetite
Your dog may eat a lot more than usual when it first comes home from boarding. This doesn't mean that it wasn't fed during its stay. Some dogs are simply happy to get back to their regular variety of food; others may not have eaten as well as usual in boarding, especially if they were a little stressed. It's also not unusual for dogs to be very thirsty when they get home. Again, they may not have drunk as much water as usual in their boarding stay.
Upset Stomachs
In some cases, dogs may come home from boarding with an upset stomach. Vomiting and a runny tummy can also be caused by stress. In some dogs, this stress may be caused by its anxiety about being in a boarding facility; other dogs may get an upset stomach when they get overexcited about coming home.
Changes in Sleeping Habits
Don't be surprised if your dog sleeps a lot when it first gets home from boarding. Some dogs find it hard to get a good night's sleep in a boarding place. They may find a new environment unsettling or just unfamiliar. If the boarding place allowed your dog to run around a lot either indoors or outdoors, it may also have had a good workout during its stay and may simply need a rest.
Typically, changes in your dog's behavior after dog boarding are not anything to worry about. Your pet will usually settle down once it gets back into its routine. However, if your dog is showing signs of a more serious illness or injury or doesn't settle down at home after a few days, it's a good idea to have it checked over by your vet.
Tips for when your dog comes home after boarding
Take Your Dog for a Walk First
You want to bring your dog right in the door, but if you want to avoid any accidents in the house, it’s best to walk your dog up and down your block (or even just around your yard) before you head indoors. The excitement of seeing you again can bring on an overactive bladder in even the most perfectly house trained pooch.
Hold Off on Dog Food
Even if it’s your pet’s normal dinner time, it’s best to wait at least an hour after arriving back home before offering your dog food. All of that tail wagging and jumping for joy can also make your furkid's stomach do flip-flops. That kind of excitement tends to make dogs eat more quickly, which all becomes a recipe for vomiting. Wait until your pup has calmed down before offering food. If your dog is especially agitated or is normally a fast eater, you might even split the normal amount of food you’d give for one meal into two smaller meals.
Limit Your Dog’s H2O Intake
Lots of heavy panting plus the car ride home means that your pooch has built up a powerful thirst. Just as with food though, slurping down an entire bowl of water quickly can lead to vomiting. Rather than letting your dog drink all he wants in one go, limit the amount of water you put in his bowl at first. Another option that’s especially good for smaller dogs (and for playful puppies who can turn anything into a game) is offering ice cubes for your pet to lick.home after dog boarding
Let Your Dog Sleep It Off
If your dog seems a little more tired than usual the first few days after boarding, don’t worry too much about it. The thrill of seeing you again and the extra flurry of activity surrounding homecoming may mean your dog needs more shut-eye than usual.
Remember, if you have any questions about dog boarding, day care, or dog training, just give us a call or send us an message at 01133118945—we’re always here to help!
After daycare, my dog is drinking a TON of water! Don't you give water?
We get asked this question all the time! Please rest assured that your dog has clean water available 24 hours a day.
Some dogs don’t drink as much while in daycare due to the extra amount of mental and physical stimulation they experience. Much like small children, all the new sights, sounds, smells and people, can be overly exciting and the last thing they want to do is stop to drink. While this is common, know that we monitor your pet's water intake and we will let you know if your pet is not drinking at all. (Although this is rare).
If your dog drinks in excess when they get home, simply keep an eye on how much water they drink in short periods as drinking large amounts of water too quickly may cause vomiting.
Can my dog get hurt playing in daycare?
Just like children who play on playgrounds in daycare or at school can get hurt from time to time, dogs playing with each other can get hurt too. Dogs play with their mouths and paws and like to wrestle around on the ground with each other. Because we supervise all play time sessions, injuries are rare. If injuries do occur, you (not PamperPup) are responsible for any medical expenses for your dog, as you would a child. You need to be sure that you are comfortable with this before allowing your dog to come to our daycare. Most owners find that the benefits of allowing their dog to play outweigh the risks.
What is Kennel Cough?
Kennel cough is a fairly common ailment in dogs. People tend to associate it with dogs who have recently been boarded (or "kennelled"). However, your dog could contract kennel cough anywhere they come into contact with other dogs; such as, the groomer, the veterinarian's office, in dog obedience class, at a dog show or any other dog related event. Any time your dog is in the vicinity of an infected dog, the potential exists for infection. Kennel cough is caused by an airborne virus, which is highly contagious. The incubation period is about 7-10 days, meaning your dog will not display symptoms of illness for about 7-10 days following exposure to the virus.
How do I prevent my dog from getting kennel cough?
Vaccinating your dog with the Bordetella vaccine can help reduce their risk. However, be aware that your dog can still contract the Kennel Cough virus even if he or she has been vaccinated. There are many strains and mutations of the virus, making it a hit or miss whether the vaccine used on your dog will be the right one for the strain with which your dog comes in contact with. This is similar to the "flu shot" for people; each year a vaccine is developed based on which strain(s) are suspected to be most prevalent. Simply put, having the flu shot does not guarantee you won't get the flu and when your dog has a Bordetella vaccination it doesn't guaranteed he or she won't get kennel cough. A strong immune system is best defense against viruses. This is why several dogs could be exposed to the kennel cough virus but only one may actually contract it.
Bordetella - If this is the dog’s first bordetella vaccination, it must be given 2 weeks prior to boarding. After that, bodetella must be renewed every 6 months. If the vaccination is given at the time of the previous vaccination expiring, at least 24 hours prior to check-in if the dog has previously been immunized. OUr protocol of every 6 months is consistent with boarding industry best practices, and is required, even if your veterinarian’s protocol is different.
Will you give my dog their medications?
Of course! We can give any form of non-injectable medications as specified. Please make sure all medication is clearly labeled and dosage instructions are included. Also, do provide canned food/peanut butter as a paste (medium) to help us with the process.
What are your policies regarding dogs from the same family, can they stay together?
We will always keep dogs from the same household together, unless otherwise instructed. It is our experience that dogs from the same family like to remain together throughout their stay, whether in the play areas or in the same hotel room. Additionally, lower rates are offered when more dogs in the same family are staying with us!
Why is our off leash park awesome?
Our naturally lush garden provides a stable, resilient, surface for dog play. Giving your pets better traction, increased joint protection, and improved shock absorption as they Run, Jump, and Roll. No pesticides are used. Hence the reason why we use essential oil.
Will someone be there at night with my pet?
Yes, this is our home, we live here. Your pets' well-being is our greatest priority.
Can I/my family members visit during my pet's stay at PamperPup?
We put the utmost priority and dedication to furkids residing with us. All external interruptions are minimise to allow all furkids residing with us live harmoniously with minimal interference. Visit can be arranged for long-term boarders ONLY, during non peak season. Visit slot is 15 minutes and will be allocated by us with advance notice. Visitors has to be already in the WhatsApp chat group, verified from the get-go. Unidentified person will not be allowed into our home as a safety measure.
All time slots are valuable to each and every furkid at PamperPup, as these time slots are carefully curated to allow all classrooms of furkids to successfully utilise our off-leash park with no interference from the outside. We believe in providing all furkids with plenty of play time at our garden, and we aim to maximise the time slots as much as possible for each and every group of furkids. No visit is allowed especially during our rest days, public holidays, peak festive seasons (throughout the entire week), rainy days (we need as much sunshine as possible for furkid's playtime, hence request for visit during bad weather will be declined). We also do not entertain any form of walk-ins as per advised to allow us to put all our focus on the furkids residing with us.
Do you have accommodations for senior pets?
YES! Being away from home can be more stressful for older pets then younger ones. They are more set in their ways, and their patterns are more deeply integrated. We have taken steps to make sure your senior pet goes home happy. If your pet does need medication or a certain way of doing something please be honest with our staff their main priority is to make your pets stay at PamperPup the best we can make it. So remember to label everything and if you can make a chart with directions and time schedules so we can make your pet on the same scheduled as they would be at home.
Is their a specific type of collar my dog should wear to daycare?
YES! all dogs must wear a snap collar and identification tags. Always remember to bring your dog into the building on a leash!
Can I take a tour of the facility?
Absolutely! In fact we encourage it. Please drop a WhatsApp message at 01133118945 on tour availability. An information exchange and form submission is required beforehand.
What happens if my dog gets sick or injured?
In the case of an illness or injury, PamperPup will make every attempt to contact you or your emergency contact. In the event that no contact can be made, PPP will assume the role and seek veterinary attention. We reserve the right to choose the veterinary clinic of our choice. In this case, all veterinary costs incurred will be the responsibility of the owner and a nominal veterinary transport fee will also be applied.
Am I required to have my pet spayed and neutered prior to boarding?
PamperPup does not require your pet be spayed or neutered prior to boarding. However it is highly recommended that your un-neutered furkid to experience an introductory 2d1n sleepover before a booking is confirmed.
Can my two cats stay together?
Yes, if they are of average size and get along fine, we would encourage you to choose to do so. We recommend that you choose to board your multiple cats in the suites, as they are more roomy and fun! NOTE: Multiple cat discounts are given only to those housed in the suites.
Can I pick my furkid up on a Sunday/public holiday/eve of public holiday?
NO. Public holidays are sacred to us. We value your respect towards it.
Kindly plan your travels accordingly if you choose us to care for your furkid. In the event of a change in travel plan/flight schedule, kindly rearrange appointments to be carried out WITHIN our operating hours.
What goes on at PamperPup on your rest days (Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays, and eve of all major Public Holidays)?
No appointments (with human beings) are carried out on our rest days. We stay home with the furkids to have a quiet day in together to rest. No interruptions, incoming/outgoing activities. Rest assured, basic daily care rituals are carried out every day without fail. Feeding, playing, sleeping, socialising, etc... Moreover, the PamperPup team does need a proper recharge for the new busy week ahead 💪🏻🐾💕🐶🏡
We provide services at a personal level, boutique-style at a small scale. We stay true to our operating hours to avoid burn-out. Our rest days are sacred to us. This allows us to get quality rest at home, to be our optimum selves for the next busy day ahead. Your thoughtfulness is highly appreciated and valued.
usually carried out on day #02 or #03.
As we need time to focus on your furkid without the distraction of a phone camera, getting him/her settled into a new environment.
We also need time to figure which classmates suits your furkid most as we curate the classroom for your furkid.
We keep our home clean with a ritual, as explained below:
9:30am - 11:30am is cleaning hour
Ideal check-in windows
SLOT A. 9:00am - 9:30am
SLOT B. after 11:30am
During (indoor) cleaning hour, both sides of our garden (outdoors) are occupied with dogs. So ideally, check-in to be carried out during the A and B windows for a smooth process.
Just like our rest days, our cleaning ritual is paramount to us too. We value your understanding and respect.
Can I walk in without an appointment?
No, you may not.
We do not entertain all forms of physical walk-in (inquiry, booking, look-see...). Every appointment is pre-planned and agreed upon via WhatsApp. Feel free to text us on whatsapp at 01133118945 to secure a slot.
This is to ensure the serenity of our home, so that we are not surprised with a abrupt visit which can cause stress. We are highly protective of the serenity house, and the piece of mind for each and every furkid at home.
Timetable at PamperPup:
Weekdays work days at PamperPup
9am - 1130am
Cleaning Ritual
Playtime session 1 and 2
Check in slot A: 9:00am - 9:30am
Check in slot B: 11:30am - 4:00pm
930am - 11:30am cannot open gates
1130am - 1pm
Private Feeding aka Kanteen Time
1pm - 2pm
Human Lunch Time
3pm - 5pm shower time
Applies to work day week days
More play time sessions
430pm - 6pm
Check out appointments
More play time sessions
Feeding time 2
Video Recording
5:00pm - 6:00pm
We close at 6:00pm
Usually carried out on day #02 or #03.
As we need time to focus on your furkid without the distraction of a phone camera, getting him/her settled into a new environment.
We also need time to figure which classmates suits your furkid most as we curate the classroom for your furkid.
Furkids grouped accordingly to classrooms of like personality, size, play style.
Unspayed Female and Uneutered Males have dedicated classrooms with suitable playmates to avoid pregnancy.
Classrooms receive outdoor sessions on rotation interchangeably.
During hot weather/rain and storms, furkids stay indoors in their classrooms for safety and comfort reasons.
What is the fee structure incurred for a day care/boarding and services pertaining to them?
Our rate and fee structure is CLEARLY stated within this site at:
It is the customers' due diligence to check service provider's site for information that is of a particular concern/passionate about. Our rate and fee detail is for the public eyes. They may be a lot of things but 'hidden'.
What to Expect When You Pick Your Dog Up After Boarding?
While you may be pleased to pick up your dog and take it home after its first stay in a boarding place, this may not be a smooth ride, especially if this is the first time you've boarded your pet. Not all dogs react the same way when you take them home after boarding; some will display behavioral changes that may surprise or worry you. What kinds of behavior can you expect from your pet?
Personality Changes
While some dogs come home from boarding and settle down as if they've never been away, others may take some time to settle. You may find that your dog's behavior changes when you get it home. For example, it may get really clingy and follow you around everywhere. Alternatively, it may ignore you and be slightly aloof. Some dogs act up a little and behave badly when they first come home even though they are usually well-behaved.
Typically, you'll find that your dog will get back to normal once it is used to being back at home. Once your dog realizes that it is back in its normal routine and is with you once again, it should start to behave normally. It's a good idea to give your pet a lot of love and attention when you get it home; however, you should also make sure to re-establish your usual routine and rules to get your dog back in line as quickly as possible.
Changes in Appetite
Your dog may eat a lot more than usual when it first comes home from boarding. This doesn't mean that it wasn't fed during its stay. Some dogs are simply happy to get back to their regular variety of food; others may not have eaten as well as usual in boarding, especially if they were a little stressed. It's also not unusual for dogs to be very thirsty when they get home. Again, they may not have drunk as much water as usual in their boarding stay.
Upset Stomachs
In some cases, dogs may come home from boarding with an upset stomach. Vomiting and a runny tummy can also be caused by stress. In some dogs, this stress may be caused by its anxiety about being in a boarding facility; other dogs may get an upset stomach when they get overexcited about coming home.
Changes in Sleeping Habits
Don't be surprised if your dog sleeps a lot when it first gets home from boarding. Some dogs find it hard to get a good night's sleep in a boarding place. They may find a new environment unsettling or just unfamiliar. If the boarding place allowed your dog to run around a lot either indoors or outdoors, it may also have had a good workout during its stay and may simply need a rest.
Typically, changes in your dog's behavior after dog boarding are not anything to worry about. Your pet will usually settle down once it gets back into its routine. However, if your dog is showing signs of a more serious illness or injury or doesn't settle down at home after a few days, it's a good idea to have it checked over by your vet.
Tips for when your dog comes home after boarding
Take Your Dog for a Walk First
You want to bring your dog right in the door, but if you want to avoid any accidents in the house, it’s best to walk your dog up and down your block (or even just around your yard) before you head indoors. The excitement of seeing you again can bring on an overactive bladder in even the most perfectly house trained pooch.
Hold Off on Dog Food
Even if it’s your pet’s normal dinner time, it’s best to wait at least an hour after arriving back home before offering your dog food. All of that tail wagging and jumping for joy can also make your furkid's stomach do flip-flops. That kind of excitement tends to make dogs eat more quickly, which all becomes a recipe for vomiting. Wait until your pup has calmed down before offering food. If your dog is especially agitated or is normally a fast eater, you might even split the normal amount of food you’d give for one meal into two smaller meals.
Limit Your Dog’s H2O Intake
Lots of heavy panting plus the car ride home means that your pooch has built up a powerful thirst. Just as with food though, slurping down an entire bowl of water quickly can lead to vomiting. Rather than letting your dog drink all he wants in one go, limit the amount of water you put in his bowl at first. Another option that’s especially good for smaller dogs (and for playful puppies who can turn anything into a game) is offering ice cubes for your pet to lick.home after dog boarding
Let Your Dog Sleep It Off
If your dog seems a little more tired than usual the first few days after boarding, don’t worry too much about it. The thrill of seeing you again and the extra flurry of activity surrounding homecoming may mean your dog needs more shut-eye than usual.
Remember, if you have any questions about dog boarding, day care, or dog training, just give us a call or send us an message at 01133118945—we’re always here to help!
After daycare, my dog is drinking a TON of water! Don't you give water?
We get asked this question all the time! Please rest assured that your dog has clean water available 24 hours a day.
Some dogs don’t drink as much while in daycare due to the extra amount of mental and physical stimulation they experience. Much like small children, all the new sights, sounds, smells and people, can be overly exciting and the last thing they want to do is stop to drink. While this is common, know that we monitor your pet's water intake and we will let you know if your pet is not drinking at all. (Although this is rare).
If your dog drinks in excess when they get home, simply keep an eye on how much water they drink in short periods as drinking large amounts of water too quickly may cause vomiting.
Can my dog get hurt playing in daycare?
Just like children who play on playgrounds in daycare or at school can get hurt from time to time, dogs playing with each other can get hurt too. Dogs play with their mouths and paws and like to wrestle around on the ground with each other. Because we supervise all play time sessions, injuries are rare. If injuries do occur, you (not PamperPup) are responsible for any medical expenses for your dog, as you would a child. You need to be sure that you are comfortable with this before allowing your dog to come to our daycare. Most owners find that the benefits of allowing their dog to play outweigh the risks.
What is Kennel Cough?
Kennel cough is a fairly common ailment in dogs. People tend to associate it with dogs who have recently been boarded (or "kennelled"). However, your dog could contract kennel cough anywhere they come into contact with other dogs; such as, the groomer, the veterinarian's office, in dog obedience class, at a dog show or any other dog related event. Any time your dog is in the vicinity of an infected dog, the potential exists for infection. Kennel cough is caused by an airborne virus, which is highly contagious. The incubation period is about 7-10 days, meaning your dog will not display symptoms of illness for about 7-10 days following exposure to the virus.
How do I prevent my dog from getting kennel cough?
Vaccinating your dog with the Bordetella vaccine can help reduce their risk. However, be aware that your dog can still contract the Kennel Cough virus even if he or she has been vaccinated. There are many strains and mutations of the virus, making it a hit or miss whether the vaccine used on your dog will be the right one for the strain with which your dog comes in contact with. This is similar to the "flu shot" for people; each year a vaccine is developed based on which strain(s) are suspected to be most prevalent. Simply put, having the flu shot does not guarantee you won't get the flu and when your dog has a Bordetella vaccination it doesn't guaranteed he or she won't get kennel cough. A strong immune system is best defense against viruses. This is why several dogs could be exposed to the kennel cough virus but only one may actually contract it.
Bordetella - If this is the dog’s first bordetella vaccination, it must be given 2 weeks prior to boarding. After that, bodetella must be renewed every 6 months. If the vaccination is given at the time of the previous vaccination expiring, at least 24 hours prior to check-in if the dog has previously been immunized. OUr protocol of every 6 months is consistent with boarding industry best practices, and is required, even if your veterinarian’s protocol is different.
Will you give my dog their medications?
Of course! We can give any form of non-injectable medications as specified. Please make sure all medication is clearly labeled and dosage instructions are included. Also, do provide canned food/peanut butter as a paste (medium) to help us with the process.
What are your policies regarding dogs from the same family, can they stay together?
We will always keep dogs from the same household together, unless otherwise instructed. It is our experience that dogs from the same family like to remain together throughout their stay, whether in the play areas or in the same hotel room. Additionally, lower rates are offered when more dogs in the same family are staying with us!
Why is our off leash park awesome?
Our naturally lush garden provides a stable, resilient, surface for dog play. Giving your pets better traction, increased joint protection, and improved shock absorption as they Run, Jump, and Roll. No pesticides are used. Hence the reason why we use essential oil.
Will someone be there at night with my pet?
Yes, this is our home, we live here. Your pets' well-being is our greatest priority.
Can I/my family members visit during my pet's stay at PamperPup?
We put the utmost priority and dedication to furkids residing with us. All external interruptions are minimise to allow all furkids residing with us live harmoniously with minimal interference. Visit can be arranged for long-term boarders ONLY, during non peak season. Visit slot is 15 minutes and will be allocated by us with advance notice. Visitors has to be already in the WhatsApp chat group, verified from the get-go. Unidentified person will not be allowed into our home as a safety measure.
All time slots are valuable to each and every furkid at PamperPup, as these time slots are carefully curated to allow all classrooms of furkids to successfully utilise our off-leash park with no interference from the outside. We believe in providing all furkids with plenty of play time at our garden, and we aim to maximise the time slots as much as possible for each and every group of furkids. No visit is allowed especially during our rest days, public holidays, peak festive seasons (throughout the entire week), rainy days (we need as much sunshine as possible for furkid's playtime, hence request for visit during bad weather will be declined). We also do not entertain any form of walk-ins as per advised to allow us to put all our focus on the furkids residing with us.
Do you have accommodations for senior pets?
YES! Being away from home can be more stressful for older pets then younger ones. They are more set in their ways, and their patterns are more deeply integrated. We have taken steps to make sure your senior pet goes home happy. If your pet does need medication or a certain way of doing something please be honest with our staff their main priority is to make your pets stay at PamperPup the best we can make it. So remember to label everything and if you can make a chart with directions and time schedules so we can make your pet on the same scheduled as they would be at home.
Is their a specific type of collar my dog should wear to daycare?
YES! all dogs must wear a snap collar and identification tags. Always remember to bring your dog into the building on a leash!
Can I take a tour of the facility?
Absolutely! In fact we encourage it. Please drop a WhatsApp message at 01133118945 on tour availability. An information exchange and form submission is required beforehand.
What happens if my dog gets sick or injured?
In the case of an illness or injury, PamperPup will make every attempt to contact you or your emergency contact. In the event that no contact can be made, PPP will assume the role and seek veterinary attention. We reserve the right to choose the veterinary clinic of our choice. In this case, all veterinary costs incurred will be the responsibility of the owner and a nominal veterinary transport fee will also be applied.
Am I required to have my pet spayed and neutered prior to boarding?
PamperPup does not require your pet be spayed or neutered prior to boarding. However it is highly recommended that your un-neutered furkid to experience an introductory 2d1n sleepover before a booking is confirmed.
Can my two cats stay together?
Yes, if they are of average size and get along fine, we would encourage you to choose to do so. We recommend that you choose to board your multiple cats in the suites, as they are more roomy and fun! NOTE: Multiple cat discounts are given only to those housed in the suites.
Can I pick my furkid up on a Sunday/public holiday/eve of public holiday?
NO. Public holidays are sacred to us. We value your respect towards it.
Kindly plan your travels accordingly if you choose us to care for your furkid. In the event of a change in travel plan/flight schedule, kindly rearrange appointments to be carried out WITHIN our operating hours.
What goes on at PamperPup on your rest days (Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays, and eve of all major Public Holidays)?
No appointments (with human beings) are carried out on our rest days. We stay home with the furkids to have a quiet day in together to rest. No interruptions, incoming/outgoing activities. Rest assured, basic daily care rituals are carried out every day without fail. Feeding, playing, sleeping, socialising, etc... Moreover, the PamperPup team does need a proper recharge for the new busy week ahead 💪🏻🐾💕🐶🏡
We provide services at a personal level, boutique-style at a small scale. We stay true to our operating hours to avoid burn-out. Our rest days are sacred to us. This allows us to get quality rest at home, to be our optimum selves for the next busy day ahead. Your thoughtfulness is highly appreciated and valued.
usually carried out on day #02 or #03.
As we need time to focus on your furkid without the distraction of a phone camera, getting him/her settled into a new environment.
We also need time to figure which classmates suits your furkid most as we curate the classroom for your furkid.